G & G Communications
Updated May 16th, 2017

Complete programming for your Motorola Minitor III,
Minitor IV, Minitor V and Programming, toning and re-crystaling available
for your Motorola Minitor 2 and Keynote Pagers. We can do single
units to complete systems. Pricing as follows:
- Minitor III-IV-V Single units... $18.00 each for the first unit, $8.00 each for additional units with same programming. This includes frequency and tone programming
- Keynote Single Units... $32.00 each which includes
crystal, installation, tuning, and tone programming.
- Keynote Single Units... $15.00 each for tone
programming only.
- Minitor 2 Single Units... $33.00 each for crystal,
installation, and tuning. Note that tone filters are optional. Click here for more Mintor 2 crystal and tone conversion pricing
We sell and repair Motorola Minitor II,
Minitor III, Minitor IV, Minitor V, Director II, and Keynote Pagers. We do
not repair or sell digital pagers. Our clients include Public
Safety Departments such as Police, Fire, and EMS. We contract
repairs for many agencies. Please write or call for references
from those agencies we presently do work
Pager Parts and accessories
What we sell
We have...
- Integrated circuits
- Transistors
- Capacitors, chokes, coils
- Cabinet parts - new and used
- Pager Crystals
- Pager Reeds and Filters
- Batteries and battery holders
- Speakers
- Complete board assemblies
- Controls, switches
- Hardware, knobs, escutcheons, panels
- Desktop chargers
- Minitor 2,3,4,5 RF boards in all ranges
Click Here to email us or call us with your specific needs...
Our present specials, hard to find and obsolete parts